15 Sauletekis alLT-10224 Vilnius
+370 647 37535+370 612 00616
15 Sauletekis al LT-10224 Vilnius
+370 647 37535
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We represent our surrounding world in all kinds of digital forms. No matter if it is a picture, a drawing or a model. No matter if we gather information from databases, from airplanes or drones, from mobile or total scanners. Our mission is to represent the world in digital form. The slightest details must fit in the scope of Clients needs. We always seek for optimisation and we look forward to meeting our clients requirements at any level of difficulty.

We take our part in projects and we take it with responsibility. We help to save materials in road constructions. This is most satisfying when we can help our Client to save costs, when we can help the environment to save its resource, when we can help government to use public finance more efficiently and extremely increase the safety of our personnel and fellow land surveyors

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IN 2024

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We deliver geodesy services for all kinds of fields. We are the ones who start all major projects, even before the design. And it is our duty to make it fast and as good as we possibly can

Our services are essential in many areas. Today more and more projects are done under the BIM acronym and it proves our effort to improve our services. We are ready to provide you with world delivery to your office at any form, format, accuracy, specification, location or method. Just let us know what you are looking for in the final result and we will find the best solution for you.

BIM and surface design

Essential services for more cost effective construction

LiDAR scanning

Fitting best geometry and smallest details into your project is always a good idea.


Good old measurements in millimeters level will assure your constructions quality.



Working with the Government is a very responsible task. We take a responsibility to use public money and use it for the benefit of all citizens. Our every service is questioned by ourselves each time to give a long term benefit for our Client and Society. We understand our responsibility in this process and we always look a few steps ahead. Spend 5 euros today, to save 20 euros in the future.

Road land plot cadastral survey. It identifies required road assets and correctly prepared documentation helps to save time and money when roads are being reconstructed or repaired. Our detailed drawings of road assets helps to identify not only all environments, but also correct slopes, which is essential for determining old road construction limits. Road constructors identify wrong cadastral documentation as a major bureaucratic issue to road construction finishing.

Road assets inventorization. For most road administrations real existing road assets with their real conditions information are very important for the road management and efficient planning. We deliver detailed information at many levels. It can be light poles, traffic signs, rutting, holes, cracks, bridges, visibility evaluation, pavement conditions or any other information surrounding road construction.



We understand that Design is a difficult and responsible process in the construction. We take our effort to represent the situation of any place in the most accurate way. Any project design can be good and only can be good if the base – real situation – is represented correctly. Our Clients do understand that and that is why they choose us.

Topographical plan. A representation of a planned territory at required scale. This document lets designers make a plan of required concepts. At different levels of accuracy and scale we bring the surroundings in digital form at 2D or 3D level. Very different specifications could be required due to the wide range of projects and their difficulty. In our practice most of the projects require very good accuracy and details.

Web preview. Our scanned data can be represented on a web browser. We put point clouds, vectors, models and photos into our server and let our Clients to reach gigabytes of information in a second on a simple browser. Our Clients have the ability to investigate, measure, draw or make slices of scanned territory.

Detailed surface. If the requirements for pavement design includes high accuracy, then detailed surface comes in place. Depending on the project and designers workflow we produce different level accurate surface models in format best suited for designers software. In most cases we do a cross section every meter with a height value at every 10 cm per cross section. It allows to calculate materials with the highest precision.



We always look forward to work with a Constructor. It is interesting work due to a lot of upcoming challenges in every project. We know the price for asphalt and the responsibility of materials planning. That is why we do not compromise for accuracy and detail. We work with both big and small road construction companies and we are glad to help to save big amounts of materials in their projects.

Detailed surface. If the pavement is reconstructed under yellow FIDIC and requirements for pavement rebuild includes high accuracy, then detailed surface comes in place. Depending on the project and designers workflow we produce different level accurate surface models in format best suited for designers software. In most cases we do a cross section every meter with a height value at every 10 cm per cross section. It allows us to calculate materials with the highest precision.

Geodetic network. All road constructions must be built with a relationship to an accurate geodetic network. This is what we do for our Clients. We use precise levels to get the right height for the geodetic network. And we assign our scanned data to the geodetic network, so that the surface model would be represented in a perfect geometry regarding the geodetic network. Any Client requirement can be fulfilled, even if the network is very dense.

Building site investigation. If you were rewarded with a contract for road construction and there is design already made, you can always check the quantity and conditions of a building site before you start work. We help our Clients to jump ahead of problems and we take a scan with photos before the construction starts. Then if some mismatch from designed quantities occurs (and in many cases it occurs), we take a closer investigation. We localize the problem and help to communicate with designers, maintenance engineers and Owner to solve the problem as rationally as possible. In some cases we ask a bailiff to join us if the problem goes to court.




As-built drawings and documentation allow you to finish the project and get paid. With precise scan there will be no questions from the Contractor.


Precise height measurements are essential for good construction. We help our clients in the hour of need for any required precision. Our experienced engineers will assist any time.

GIS data

We take vectors and we inject them with a huge amount of information. It can be roads network, building infrastructure or utilities network. We do it in many ways for different clients with different needs.

Total scanning

Buildings, factories, culture heritage, archeological sites can be investigated with total scanning. Detail and accurate drawings, pictures, point clouds allow you to store information, use it for various purposes in design or construction.

Airborne scanning

When mobile scanning is not an option and the project is too big for total scanners, then we bring a plane with a pilot in the game. Our experienced pilot can reach the goal of accuracy at a very high level.

Orthophoto & Oblique

Bright images are very beautiful, but for engineering we need fixed geometry, accuracy and usability. This is what we bring to our Clients. It can be made from scanned points, from images or best – combination of LiDAR and images!

IT GIS Solutions

If necessary we combine our engineers with IT professionals and we deliver a full individual solution that allows our Clients to save costs in asset management or projects’ workflow.

Geo Projects management

If you have a big project with a lot of subcontractors we come as a geodesy project manager. We see everything and we measure everything. No centimeter will be priced for our Client if it was not measured. Our job is to save our clients from a headache.

LiMAP is working in 5 countries and is trusted with the most difficult projects on the market. We ensure a smooth and rational process of your projects. That is who we are, and that is why our Clients trust us!

Where to find us


15 Sauletekis al LT-10224 Vilnius
+370 647 37535+370 612 00616


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